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American comedian and former street performer Rex Boyd is a highly sought after act on both the national and international comedy circuits. Often likened to a cross between Lee Evans and Jim Carrey, due to his manic physicality, Rex is brilliant crowd pleaser and a slicker-than-slick stand up. He has performed all over Europe and the States, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore and Dhubai.

Rex thrives on audience participation and improvisation and from time to time also draws on his expert skills as a juggler. Rex started doing comedy in his hometown of Kansas City in 1986. A couple of years later he was working the London alternative comedy scene as well as street performing regularly at Covent Garden. This was followed by four years globe trotting the festival circuit before finally settling down back in England where Rex has been an unusual highlight of the comedy club circuit ever since.

In 2001 Rex devised an hour long audience participation show which has been critically acclaimed all over the world. The Robin Hood Show is an exciting party-like atmosphere of comedy, improvisation, interaction and quite often thrillingly unpredictable responses as members of the public are expertly guided through a raucous, modern day, pseudo-pantomime version of the story of Robin Hood.

Rex continues to be in demand on the comedy and corporate circuit, and later this year will be returning to his street performing roots when he appears in a number of prestigious street performing venus across Spain.