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Marilyn Muruako
Marilyn has been performing regularly since completing a Stand Up Comedy Course, in December 2009.

She is an energetic and engaging comic, who delivers a myriad of short stories from family situations with an endearing cheekiness, and puts a unique twist on everyday observations.

In August 2010, she was named in the 'ones to watch' list at the Funny Women Awards, and performed a number of open spots at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

She's the resident MC of a weekly free comedy night on Fridays at The Manor Club, Finsbury Park (starting January 2011)

Marilyn says: "Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the KFC, 'cos when the chicken's that finger-licking good, he don't mind a bit of cannibalism!"
To book Marilyn Muruako or to discuss any booking, please E-mail Norman! or call 020 8255 2033

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