Comedy Open Spots

If you are at the point where you are a successful comedian, and you have never had to do an open mic performance, then please write to us and share your secret. Thousands of us could use that word of advice.
I’m not saying that in a facetious way either, because I know there are those out there that have never had to do an open mic. They are a rare breed and it is hard to tell just how they did it. I could only wish I were so good that I did not need to as well. Buy I too fall in with the 99.9% that do.
If you are new to doing stand-up then comedy open mic is essential for…well, 99.9% of us. It not only is a place for you to practice new material, but it is also a great place to make connections with other comedians/annes in your area and even in your state. I say state because if you are serious about being a comedian/anne, you will travel 6 hours at times to play a 4-minute set, depending on where you live.
Comedy open mic’s are a gift from the owner of the comedy club. They do not have to open the stage up for any of us, to them I say thank you and you should too, every chance you get. The only benefit to a comedy club may be to see where they can pull new talent for a show they have coming up and need an opener, and to bring in revenue on a night they may be closed.
Most comedians/annes at an open mic will be happy to rub shoulders with you and offer it to you to lean on when you need to. It becomes a great family unit before you know it, but if you are an @$$hole, then you will not be on the list very long.
You may be a better comedian than others in the room, but if you decide to make sure that everyone else is reminded of it, your room in that families
home will soon be occupied by another. Word will get around throughout the state, you may find yourself having to move to another.
How often should I do a comedy open mic?
I personally say a minimum of 1 time per week, you need to be on a stage. That could be a gig or an open mic. Any less than that and you will never be able to stay sharp enough to move forward. Therefore, the real question is, “How many times a week is too many?” That # does not exist. Well, ok…take one off for a day of rest.
How long should I continue to go to open mics?
For as long as you write new material and do not run the risk of being bombarding by others that recognize you as a FAMOUS comic. So are you famous yet? If not then you need to look for the next comedy open mic in your area. No open mic? Then follow that arrow and I’ll tell you what to do next.